Saturday, August 18, 2012

Getting off the Roller Coaster


I have never liked roller coasters.  They make me dizzy and for me the thrill is not worth that icky feeling.  So, why the heck have I been on a roller coaster ride with my weight for my whole life?  I have had times of pure joy reaching a great weight for me, but I have also had times of pure depression having gained the weight right back and keeping it on for years!

They say it doesn't matter.  They say it's what's inside that counts.  Who are "they" anyway?  Is that true?  I don't think so.  No one is happy carrying around extra weight.  So there.  They may tell you they are just as happy, but deep inside they struggle.  Being overweight is a burden on our bodies.  It hurts our knees, our feet and our hearts among other things.  It is the cause of many diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  And, no one looks their best when they are fat.  So there again!

As a nation we are in the middle of an epidemic of folks who are heavier than ever.  We make excuses and do nothing about it.  We're "too busy" and it's "not our fault."  Of course it is.  It is our own faults!  We make time for TV and we visit fast food restaurants.  We don't eat the wonderful fresh food available everywhere!  We all need to wake up.  But I can only speak for myself.

So, I'm getting off ... the roller coaster that is.  I don't want to be heavy any more!  I hope that by putting myself "out there" I will stay on track and achieve my goal of a happy weight for ME!  This effort is for me, but this is also for my son and his kids (when and if he has them).  I want to stick around for a long time and I want to look good and feel great while having a blast!

So, just for today, I'm going to eat well and I'm going to move!  It's a beautiful day out there.  A great day to take a walk and put one foot in front of the other!

Wishing you a beautiful day,
